The plot of the story revolves around a man named Ryoma Takebayashi who is a very lonely man. He had a life that was full of hardships but all of it stopped when he died from an accident during his sleep. But, in the afterlife, he is confronted by three gods who are fond of him and they send him to a different world where he becomes a child. In that world, he uses his knowledge and abilities, along with the blessings of the Gods’ to live his new life filled with challenges and happy meetings. The cast of series consists of Ryoma Takebayashi which will be voiced by Azusa Tadokoro. He is the main protagonist of the series. Eliaria, she is a close friend that like to tame monsters and Eliaria will be voiced by Yūki Kuwahara. Reinhart is the Duke of Jamil and Eliaria’s father, who is voiced by Daisuke. Elise is the Duchess of Jamil and Reinhart’s wife, she is voiced by Saori Hayami. Reinbach who is voiced by Takehito Koyasu. Lulutia who is voiced by Kikuko Inoue. Kufo will be voiced by Makoto Koichi, Gain voiced by Motomu Kiyokawa, and many more.  

The animation team that will be handling this anime has been revealed which consists of Takeyuki Yanase as director, Kazuyuki Fudeyasu story editor, and screenwriter, music will be done by Hiroaki Tsutsumi. The anime will be produced by Maho Film studio. Key visual and a trailer for the anime as been unveiled which is available on YouTube and the key visual can be seen above. By The Grace of The God’s will be releasing in October of 2020 but unfortunately, the exact release date is still unknown. If I have to guess the first season will be releasing at the beginning of that month.

By The Grace Of The Gods Anime Release Date  Cast  And Plot - 33