The series released on Disney + on January 15, 2021, with the first two episodes and one episode, was released weekly till March 5th. The season has 9 episodes. It ends with Wanda saying goodbye to the vision and the twins and then leaving Westview for good. The series is a perfect blend of drama, mystery, romance, sitcom, and superhero.  Even though the series was amazing and received a lot of positive reviews, there were many questions that were left unanswered. Such questions keep the audience hooked to the screen but let’s try to answer a few of many questions that you might have after watching Wanda vision:

 How is the White Vision so powerful without mind stone?

White vision was created by S.W.O.R.D. on Tyler Hayward’s order by using the original vision’s corpse and programmed to kill the Vision that Wanda created. The Avengers had a doubt if Vision will be able to survive without the stone. The Vision in Wanda’s reality was created by the part of mind stone that still lives inside her but it was unclear that how was The White Vision as powerful as The other Vision, where was he getting his powers from. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner built Vision with the stone, which means that Vision has a part of Tony’s personality and a little of  Bruce’s and that only part of him might be derived from the Stone.

Where did the White Vision go?

While dueling with Wanda’s Vision, The White Vision revealed that he has been programmed to destroy the “The Real Vision” i.e., The Vision that Wanda created. But the Vision told him that “The Real Vision” is already dead and told him that even though he doesn’t retain any memories, he does have the data. After this, the White Vision says, ‘I am Vision’ and flies away. It’s unclear where White Vision flew off to during the final episode, but maybe he has some reflecting to do in regards to who is actually is before he seeks out Wanda again. Read: What Exactly Happened to White Vision in Wandavision?

What is Monica Rambeau’s actual power?

Monica Rambeau gained her power by exposing herself to the inter-dimensional energy field. Her repeated exposure to the Hex, created by Wanda leads her to gain her superpowers. She saved Billy and Tommy from being gunned down as the bullets lost their kinetic energy after passing right through her body. But that’s what we got to see and it doesn’t explain much about her superpowers. Yes, Captain Marvel fans, she is the same Monica who’s child version you saw in the Captain Marvel movie. In the Marvel comics, Monica becomes a superhero. She disappeared with half of the population when Thanos snapped his finger, at that time her mother was battling cancer. On returning after five years, she found out that her mother is dead.

Why did Hayward lie about Wanda stealing Vision’s body?

Tyler Hayward, the director of S.W.O.R.D. lied to the military about Wanda stealing Vision’s body from them to turn them against her. It wasn’t clear that why did he go against her knowing how powerful she is. And how destructive she could be. It’s also worth noticing that Wanda did not break into SWORD headquarters and steal Vision’s body and try to resurrect him. The evil head of SWORD wanted to get Vision back and use him as a weapon. He used her love for vision as bait against Wanda to trick her into doing it for him. But Wanda refused to get trapped in this.

Did the people of Westview forgive Wanda?

Wanda turned all the residents of Westview into her puppets in order to live her dreamy sitcom life. She assigned each one of them a particular role to play which they were unable to escape. But once Agatha broke her spell on them they all started to gather around her and begged her to stop and let them return back to their families. When Wanda finally destroyed the Hex everyone looked at her but she left in silence. Wanda knew that she didn’t deserve forgiveness from the people of Westview. She apologizes to Monica for all the trouble she causes who in turn says that she understands why she did it. With her new powers, she leaves Westview.

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